Asa Tejarat Caspian Services
Asa Tejarat has companies under its category, each of which is able to provide the following services separately in its field of work.
Asa Tejarat announces its readiness to perform the following activities:
Introducing the goods and products of partner companies on the company's website.
Import of legal goods.
Obtaining representation for distribution and sale of products of Iranian companies operating abroad.
Export of Iranian products.
Supply of Iranian goods to companies distributing goods abroad.
Cooperation with other Iranian companies importing and exporting goods and services in the field of purchasing and transporting goods.
Cooperation with holders of occasional licenses for export or import of goods to Iran.
Cooperation with export companies active in neighboring countries, especially Russia and the Caspian Sea.
Cooperation with light and heavy project managers and contractors in order to supply the required goods.
Readiness for joint cooperation for export and import of goods.
Inquiring the price and preparing the proforma of various goods.